Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Eat a lot of peaches...

hmmm, no the title has got absolutely NOTHING to do with this post. I was just sitting here thinking of nothing (yeah, that happens sometimes... never mind) and since I couldnt think of a title for this post I just picked the song off the radio. What I really wanted to say is that I, me, Kicker1, also known as Annika, will be back in DC tpretty soon to entertain (yey, parties) AND make your lifes miserable (ohhhh, practice..... THINK drill sergeant LOL). In any and all situations GREEN (lime green) will shine...
Actually, what I really wanted to say is that I will be back in the DC area Thursday next week already :).
That's all folks...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Party update

Hi there,
looks like we have 15 people or so showing. Only 11 of these actually play soccer but everyone has promised to bring drinks so all can come *tihi*. The climbers in the group may want to know that the gym is only 15 mins from where I live and climbing really brings out the thirst :). The sample jerseys have arrived and are awaiting judgement. I have a little "wrench" to throw in as well just to make it all much more exciting (and no I am not telling). You will have to wait and see!! I am hoping all can make it to the party!

I am very excited about our Spring season and I think we will have an awesome time on and off the field. The planning of HHs and other events will begin as soon as this member of the SC is safely back on American soil. Right now it looks like the American Postal (non-)service has decided to meddle and instead of the normal 3 day crossing of the continent my Approval Notice has jourenyed for no less than 7. Exciting...NOT! I shudder when I think of the time it will take for it to cross not a continent but a large body of water and an entire country or two (albeit small countries...).

One note: I think everyone who has been to the clinics with Washington Freedom will have free entry to their home-games this season. We should use that and sponsor the American Womens Soccer League (and I live about 10 mins from the arena so post-game parties are included in the price as well...).


Thursday, January 25, 2007

eVite for Jersey party

I just sent the eVite out so the party is a definite GO! I know I will for sure be home before this since my paperwork is done and woring it's way over to me (via NIH).
Link for eVite:

Kick it!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

testing testing

Many thanks to the US gov't for delaying Annika's return so that she could have so much time on her hands and be so bored that she came up with this fantastic idea. Seriously, great job Annika. I like it!

So the bit of news I have to add is that we now have two new climbers on the team! Alison is kicking some serious butt on the wall. She's unstoppable! Tonight she will belaying me ON HER OWN for the first time. So...this MAY be my first and last posting... The other very cool Femme to take the plunge is Jen and one of our loyal fanatics, Allen. They too did very awesome. When climber #2 comes back, I will organize something for the others of you that expressed interest. That's it for now... Oh, one more thing. Now that winter FINALLY decided to pay us a visit, we ought to be thinking... road trip to SKI.

And today we have SHORTS...

Hiya all,
In addition to the jerseys the place also has shorts if we want to get really fancy. The price range is between 11 and 16 dollars. With full uniforms we sort of have to kick b**t don't we? :)
Anyways, no need to vote on this. Just check them out and think about if we want to do shorts too. They are in price order with the cheapest (solid black) on top.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


We have two shirt options for the next season as displayed here. Hopefully we can reach a decision by the end of February and send the order out. According to my file (the not-so-secret VF Jersey file that is) all numbers up to 20 except for 14, 18, and 19 are taken. The good thing is that I think everyone has already decided on a number (check the e-mail that will be sent out in ohhh about 5 mins or so... not that any of you are awake yet since it's 5 am in DC but 11 am here in Sweden (btw, it's snowing like crazy here...)).

Party announcement:
Jersey Party will be held Saturday February 24th, 5 pm at Annika's place. SKs, husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, doggies are all welcome.
If we (The Social Committee) manage to figure out how to do things a link to the Evite will be posted here (don't hold your breaths least not for too long).


Start of the pre pre pre pre- season

This will (if things go as planned... granted they rarely do but it is still worth a shot) be the home of the infamous and spectacular Violent Femmes FC. To be honest we are not really a soccer CLUB as the name would hint at but a collection of ladies who like to kick a ball around. We are located in the Washington DC area (expanded to include Virginia and Maryland). Actually in our case Virginia is located within DC most of the time but that is due to no fault of her own.... Get to know the team and you'll figure out what that means (maybe...).
Things posted here will include but is in no way limited to: future events to be held and reports (with silly pictures preferably) from said events, times for practices and games, notes from games and reports from the post-game HH that are part of the game day routine, pictures of things not related soccer (like dogs, and SKs , and stuff), notes on things not related to anything really other than that they may be fun to post, and pretty much anything else anyone on the team can think up.
Kick it... just kick it!!!